David Wastell is Professor of Information Systems at Nottingham University Business School, UK. He began his academic career as a psycho-physiologist, attaching electrodes to people's heads to measure the brain's performance (which he compares to using performance indicators to measure organisational effectiveness).
After moving to the Applied Psychology Unit at Cambridge University, his interests in technology and work developed during an extended period at Manchester University, first in the Medical School and then in Computer Science. He was appointed Professor of the Information Society at Salford University in 2000 where he helped establish a leading international research group specializing in information systems. Subsequently he moved to UMIST, before transferring to Nottingham in 2005.
Professor Wastell's current interests are in public sector reform, innovation and design, and cognitive ergonomics. He is secretary of an international working group (IFIP WG8.6) which specializes in research on technology transfer and innovation, he has extensive public sector consultancy experience and was co-author of the SPRINT methodology, which provides a framework for service re-engineering and change management, and is widely used in the local government community.