Imprint: Triarchy Press
Published: June 2020 (First edition: 2016) List Price: £20 Format: Casebound hardback Extent: 132pp. Size: 14 x 21.6 cm ISBN: 978-1-911193-80-7 Tags: Organizations, public sector management, Education management, systems change, policy making, NGO strategy, public policy, IFF, Innovation Buy the 2nd edition hardback (£20)
Transformative Innovation
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Reviewed in APF Compass "This a quiet and reflective book, and in both length and tone it is a refreshing antidote to the hundreds of over-excitable business books that are at heart vastly padded articles. When reading Transformative Innovation, you have a sense of the depth that sits behind every chapter. You can also pick up the tools and use them in your own practice, especially because the IFF, with its strong commitment to openness, has published much about them both on its own website and through an associated project, This rich and humane book should be on the shelf of every practicing futurist. "
Andrew Curry writing in APF Compass, Jan 2018 (see the full review) Drawing on International Futures Forum's 15 years of experience in supporting transformative innovation around the world, this is a practical guide particularly directed to individuals and organisations in the public, social, civic and philanthropic sectors.
As well as a step-by-step guide to getting a Transformative Innovation initiative off the ground, it also covers questions of how to design policy, finance and organisation to give the best chance of success for transformation at scale. Other titles from International Futures Forum: