International Futures Forum
![]() International Futures Forum is a non-profit organisation and think tank that exists to develop and propagate a philosophy about how to make sense of today's complex world.
They aim to take on real challenges with partners in business, government and communities who are facing seemingly intractable problems or challenges of such complexity and uncertainty that although they are acknowledged they are not owned, and in any event tend to reside in the 'too difficult' tray. This means that as an organisation they 'seek to take on the toughest issues: climate change and energy security, healthcare, radioactive waste management, city regeneration, suicide and mental health, the future of learning.' Triarchy Press works with IFF to publish a range of pamphlets and books to share their learning with the global community: A Banker Reflects on Money, Love and Virtue Beyond Survival: Practical Hope in Powerful Times Braving Uncertainty Dancing at the Edge: Competence, Culture and Organization in the 21st Century (2nd Edition) Designing Regenerative Cultures Economies of Life: Patterns of Health and Wealth Humanising Healthcare In Search of the Missing Elephant Ready for Anything: Designing Resilience for a Transforming World Spaces for Growth Ten Things to do in a Conceptual Emergency Three Horizons: The Patterning of Hope (2nd Edition) Transformative Innovation (2nd Edition) Transformative Innovation in Education (2nd Edition) What IFF Does
IFF is developing a body of ideas and philosophy about how to make sense of today’s complex world. They share that thinking widely, hold events to exchange ideas and experience, and members stay in touch online and meet together as often as possible.
They aim to embody their evolving insights in designed processes, tools, products, practices and ways of working and they take on real challenges with partners in business, government and communities. EXPLORE:
Key IFF titles: