Dr Pam Woods is an independent dance artist and educator, currently lecturer in Drama at the University of Exeter.
Pam has worked in a wide variety of contexts and projects as performer, choreographer and teacher. Particular interests include: improvisation; site specific and site responsive work; the role of perceptual awareness in performance; voice within dance; dance theatre; devised theatre.
Whilst researching towards her PhD in Performance Practice (‘Site as Source and Resource for Sounding Dance Improvisation’, University of Exeter, 2003) she specialised as solo performer/creator. Since then she has taught, performed and run projects internationally (Turkey, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Holland).
In 2006 she was artist-in-residence at the University of Tasmania, enabled by the Lisa Ullman Travelling Scholarship Fund. Pam is founder member of Exeter based Dance-lab Collective (established in 2010), which investigates the process of collaboration.