Imprint: Triarchy Press
List Price: £15.00 Format: Paperback Extent: 72pp. Size: 17 x 24.4 cm ISBN: 978-1-908009-32-6 Tags: Movement, Move into Life, Amerta Movement, Ecological movement, Dance movement psychotherapy. Buy the Paperback (£15)
Volume 1 in the series: Ways of Being a Body
Nine different approaches to the human body as seen in movement, performance and psychotherapy.
The first in a series of books entitled: Ways of Being a Body. This book presents nine lenses through which the body is conventionally viewed:
Further details:In movement terms, Sandra Reeve's approach to the ecological body and ecological movement matches the approach of some of our other authors towards organisations, government and society (systems thinking, design thinking and ecological thinking). Designed to be a guide and stimulus for teachers, students and practitioners of dance, performance, movement, somatics and the arts therapies - this short book will also serve as an inter-disciplinary resource for other areas of study, where a brief recent historical view of approaches to the body can be useful.
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