Martha Eddy CMA, RSMT helped to register the field of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy with the United States Department of Labor in 1992 as a board trustee of ISMETA. She maintains a somatic movement practice with neo-nates to the hospice.
Martha taught with Irmgard Bartenieff and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen before founding and directing the Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy Training which she created in 1990 blending LMA and BMC. DE-SMTT is now in Cologne, Germany.
Her academic positions have been with Antioch New England Graduate School, Columbia University, Connecticut College, Hampshire College, Hope College, New York University, the New School for Social Research, and San Francisco State University. She has provided curricular oversight to the development of somatic movement education and therapy programs including Springfield Colleges in Massachusetts and Luther College, in Iowa.
She is currently on the faculty of the State University of New York (SUNY)/Empire State College (ESC) where many of her courses are part Somatic Studies. She also teaches these at the University of North Carolina Greensboro in the summers and at Princeton University in the spring semester. She advises students at the doctoral level program for in Spiritual and Somatic Psychology. She teaches a course for NYC educators and therapists on Conflict Resolution through Movement and Dance through the Dance Education Laboratory in New York City, also affiliated with SUNY/ESC.
Martha writes about dance and somatic education, perceptual motor development, kinaesthetic intelligence, vision enhancement, peace studies and conflict resolution (doctoral research – The Role of Physical Activity in Educational Violence Prevention for Youth.)
Her dance methods Body-Mind Dancing and Moving For Life are featured on national radio and television in the USA and in journals internationally.