AUTHORS: José Mulder van de GraafJosé Mulder van de Graaf was born 1946 in Bolivia. From 1964
on he lived in Germany, where he graduated in Economy and Ethnology. Suprapto
Suryodarmo invited him 1985/86 to Indonesia, to be part of a small group he had
started practising with, for developing the movement method he later named
Amerta Movement. Today he lives once more in Bolivia, in the Amazon region of
the country.
Email José Amerta means Nectar: It's the fragant flowers' love It's the dusk the goldfinches sing to It's the exited ocean's swell It's the liberated universe's voice It's my being's melodic dance "The rise of quantum consciousness could be the biggest step our species has taken since it came down from the trees. It would bring us to a new stage of species maturity and could also enable us to surmount the problems that threaten our life and our future. There is not just one mode of perceiving the world available to us, but two. We have what neuroscientist Ede Frecska and anthropologist Luis Eduardo Luna call the classical "perceptual-cognitive-symbolic" mode, based on information conveyed by our bodily senses, and we also have the "direct-intuitive-nonlocal" mode, … In today's world we tend to perceive the world in the classical mode, yet we could, and sometimes do, perceive aspects of it in the direct mode as well…. Only in spiritual, religious, or mystical experience does such information penetrate to our everyday awareness -- and then, just fleetingly. … A truly evolved consciousness would have the quantum-receptivity of deep prayer and meditation, but it would operate also in the everyday context. … And it would show that the two brain hemispheres are highly coordinated, so that the information processed by the quantum-mode receiving right hemisphere is readily communicated to the sensory-information processing left. An evolved consciousness is wider and deeper than the everyday consciousness of people today, and more functional than the consciousness of those engaged in deep prayer and meditation.” Erwin Laszlo in “A deeper look at Quantum Consciousness” published in the Huffington Post The confused monk: Post by Preserve Planet. |