Imprint: Cambridge Strategy Publications
Paperback List Price: £55.00 Format: Paperback Extent: 112pp. Size: A4 ISBN: 978-0-9559707-2-6 The Training and Development Audit Rosemary Harrison Tags: Systems Thinking, Human Resources, Training, Development, Organisational Leadership Buy the auditPaperback: Cost: £55.00
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The Training and Development AuditA 3-part guide to measuring and improving the effectiveness of Training and Development (T&D) activities right across your business.This self-assessment audit sets out to answer questions like these for your organisation's T&D function:
In Part 1, you will survey perceptions about the role, organisation and impact of T&D in your business. In Part 2, you will use checklists, interviews and questionnaires to gather objective data about every aspect of the T&D function and its activities. In Part 3, you will identify any weaknesses or gaps between intention and reality - then deliver recommendations for future T&D organisation, planning and delivery. Run correctly, the audit will: