Buy the paperback (£8 + £2 p&p)
Imprint: Triarchy Press
Published: December 2014 56pp. ~ 24.6 x 18.9 cm (9.69" x 7.44") ~ Paperback ISBN: 978-1-909470-50-7 ~ Price: £8.00 |
The Cockney Alphabet
A for 'orses
B for mutton... You may have learnt the Cockney Alphabet from a parent or grandparent, from someone stationed in the East End in the war, or in English lessons on the last day of term. Or not. If you did, you've probably forgotten half of them. But it'll please - and puzzle - almost any child and get stolen by visiting adults. With 26 quirky illustrations by James Castleden, this is a delightful new version of a slice of old London. |