Important information for customers in the EU
Because of Brexit and other stupidity, we strongly recommend that you buy any book in ebook format. This can then be delivered without shipping costs and customs/import duties. (At checkout, be sure to select 'No postage on ebooks'.
If you order a printed book, we pre-pay VAT on your order. This is confirmed by the 'IOSS' icon on the postage label on your parcel.
If your postal administration tries to charge you VAT, contact them to say that it has already been paid via our IOSS account.
If necessary we can send you, or your postal administration, confirmation of this. Just ask us by emailing: [email protected]
HOWEVER, you may still be charged import/customs duty by your country's tax/customs authorities. We cannot predict or pay this duty for you.
If you want to order a printed book, it may well be cheaper and easier to order it from amazon.
Because of Brexit and other stupidity, we strongly recommend that you buy any book in ebook format. This can then be delivered without shipping costs and customs/import duties. (At checkout, be sure to select 'No postage on ebooks'.
If you order a printed book, we pre-pay VAT on your order. This is confirmed by the 'IOSS' icon on the postage label on your parcel.
If your postal administration tries to charge you VAT, contact them to say that it has already been paid via our IOSS account.
If necessary we can send you, or your postal administration, confirmation of this. Just ask us by emailing: [email protected]
HOWEVER, you may still be charged import/customs duty by your country's tax/customs authorities. We cannot predict or pay this duty for you.
If you want to order a printed book, it may well be cheaper and easier to order it from amazon.