Imprint: Triarchy Press
Publication: 25th April 2016 180pp. ~ 17.8 x 25.4 cm ~ Paperback ISBN: 978-1-909470-94-1 Price: £15.00 Tags: Poetry, history, translation, place, phenomenology, Merleau-Ponty, music, dreams, memory, Derrida, hauntology. Buy the paperback (£15)Buy the pdf (£10)Click the 'Buy' button below. At checkout, click No postage on ebooks from the dropdown.
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Reviews"Julian Wolfreys has an uncanny ability to capture the most precious of moments and feelings, those that are of manifest importance but paradoxically most elusive. 'Proserpina Sleeps' is a case in point: Wolfreys carries his learning lightly as he describes the stage in the Roman myth wherein Proserpina wakes, 'Stirring, to return, / Easing the leaden season.' Wolfreys’ poetry is deeply personal, and one might turn to 'Representations' for a sustained reflection on the past, something that has preoccupied his scholarly work for many decades: 'The past has not abandoned me / The beloved dead are no less beloved / Though they fail in the return / Careless of all that is / Uncountable, the very thing / We want to give.' Draping the Sky for a Snowfall is a gift to our senses."
Tom Ue, University College, London "Julian Wolfreys is an extremely distinguished poet... his poems strive again and again to understand, from the perspective of whatever moment he writes a poem now, what occurs in an event, a crisis, and how to bear witness, to find adequate words for it. these wonderfully melodious and powerful poems for yourself and in your own way. Reading them has been a great, but troubling, delight for me." From the Foreword by J. Hillis Miller Read the Foreword in full "What a wonderful read. Just browsing through the pages, the lyrical and the essay and picture parts, is like moving slowly meditating in words (not through or by or on) in the poems, then shifting to ´thinking´ in various discourses - plays and experiences confronting / interweaving / reciprocally illuminating all those places and landcapes of mind.
Anna-Margaretha Horatschek Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel "A majestical canopy fretted with tiny golden fires, miniature pleasures, grand passions. Draping the Sky is the work of a conjurer of the imagination - of the impossible made possible - that rare encounter where word gives way to impression and impression spirals back to base word. A pure joy. One has the impression that these words have simply washed over Wolfreys' imagination and that he merely records their passing, such is the effortless beauty of these verses. A work of superb grace, warm recollection, punning hilarity and infinite mourning. Wolfreys' words wash over us like driftwood - like driftwords - of recollection and love, of letting in and letting go, of powerful ebb and achingly passionate flow."
Eamonn Dunne |