AUTHORS: Alexander 'Twig' Champion![]() "I see walking and writing as inextricably linked. My work is entirely built around the act of walking and I find it goes hand in hand with the Japanese aesthetic, specifically Zen. I walk to gain a meditative mindset finding the creation of short, Zen poems flows easily from that act. In these poems I follow a structure of 3 lines of seven syllables, bearing similarity to a haiku but remaining my own poetic style, adhering to the same Zen rules: wabi (simplicity), sabi (solitude) and mujo (impermanence). The walk is the work, making it temporal, a hint towards a walking experience never to be recovered. In the gallery I show documentation of these walking moments, usually in the form of Zen poetry. Most recently I have been performing Circumambulations -walking in circles round an object- as a way of circling into this meditative, poetical mindset." [email protected] |